Do you know what is stored up for you?

I had taken a long break. I was tired at the end of the year and could not seem to find any inspiration to write. I am back now hoping that you will be refreshed and encouraged by the stories shared on this blog. Please like and comment. I would love to hear from you.

Photo by George Dolgikh on

I came home from work and did not bother to go to the bedroom because I assumed it was locked. I had forgotten my key in that room, that morning. I completed the tasks at hand that evening, grabbed a light cover because it was extremely hot and tried to fall asleep. I covered my head because of aggressive mosquitoes buzzing around me. When my husband returned home, he found me fast asleep in the living room chair. He was surprised that I was not asleep in the bedroom.

Why are you sleeping here?” He asked.

The room is locked. “ I said, softly trying to keep the sting of accusation out of my voice.

“I realized you had forgotten your key,” he said.

“I decided to leave the room open for you although the door was closed. Why didn’t you call?” He asked.

I could not come up with a brilliant answer to that question. I thanked him sheepishly as a run to sleep. It occurred to me that I had just been through an uncomfortable evening, yet I could have slept in a cooler more comfortable place. I had always had access to this room. I just did not know it.

A few days later, I traveled to a hot town for work. We found a great hotel in this town. The air conditioning seemed to be stuck at 31 Degrees Celsius. I assumed it was not working. It was extremely hot outside and extremely hot in my room. I spent the evenings in this sweltering atmosphere, where the manual fan was turned on even while I slept for two days. On the third day, one of the hotel staff, came in to look at the television which had not been turned on since I arrived. He looked up at the air conditioning because the room was extremely warm and asked:

Why didn’t you come to the reception to tell us that you did not have the remote for the air conditioning, madam?”

“I thought it was dead,” I said defensively.

I sounded incredulous even to myself. He gave me an odd look and asked me to wait for a few minutes as he run to get me a remote to turn on the air conditioning.

Is this temperature okay, madam?” He asked politely when he returned.

I told him it was perfect. I was excited and visibly relieved. The room was now at 18 degrees. I thanked him profusely, as I thought about my own error. Why hadn’t I inquired about the temperature in the room earlier? I could have had two comfortable nights. I only had one more night to go. I utilized it to the best of my ability. I slept much better that night.

These circumstances reminded me of the goodness of God that is always available for his children; although they may not know what has been stored up for them. Psalm 31:9 which says:

How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you.” Psalm 31:19

Good things are stored up for those who fear the Lord. The reverse is also true. He is willing and able to bestow these good things on all who take refuge in Him. The image of good things that comes to mind is a truckload of gifts wrapped in many vibrant colors. In spite of our circumstances, good things are stored up for us because we fear God and take refuge in Him.

5 thoughts on “Do you know what is stored up for you?”

  1. Beautiful reminder of the great things God has kept for us. The evil one makes every effort to take our attention from the fact that we are in God’s refugee.

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